Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
03.17.2006 * 1:42 p.m.
week forty? 33%?
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!! Kiss me, I'm Irish.
No, really. I'm Irish. Do it!
I love this holiday because it gives me an excuse to wear a whole lot of my favorite color. Green slippers which will be exchanged for green boots when I go out tonight. Green underwear for only me to know about. (Well, and all of you too. I guess I didn't keep that secret very long!) A green shirt covered by a green sweater. Green bracelets on my left wrist. Green earrings that match my green ring. A green ribbon tied around my neck. A green cowgirl hat from Solvang. Oh, and I musn't forget about the green eye makeup. I don't think I could be happier.
Tomorrow after work I'm heading down to SB and won't be back again until Wednesday. This is going to be a nice little vacation and visit with my buddies. I'm looking forward to it.
Don't miss me too much, Diaryland. I'll be back. I promise.
03.16.2006 * 3:52 p.m.
I just finished another quarter of school. I just finished another quarter of school? Yes, I just finished another quarter of school. How weird.
Walking down the halls of the Arts and Education Building on my way to my final it occurred to me that this has been the easiest quarter of school in a long time. Even last year, cruising through my senior year with a minimal number of classes, I had midterms and finals that could kick my butt. I was a biology major working to keep my lovely GPA. Now, even though this is technically graduate school, it's been easier.
I should shut up fast because with my luck next quarter will end up being brutal. Gah.
A year ago I was finishing finals too. I was spending time with my roommates and loving life. I was falling hard for a Spaniard and wondering where things would go. I was happy but I was stressed. And I was getting ready to drive home from SB for Spring Break. Life now isn't so different. I'm happy and I'm stressed. I'm falling for a Cowboy and wondering where things will go. I'm getting ready to drive from home to SB for Spring Break and loving the opportunity I'm going to have to spend time with my roommates.
And so it goes.
I'm going to go enjoy my freedom now.