Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
03.30.2006 * 10:51 p.m.
42 tomorrow.
Today, like Monday and Wednesday, I was going strong from 7:45am until approximately 7:30pm. Okay, so I wasn't really going strong exactly, but I was expected to be awake and responsible during those many hours. Today seemed even longer because I had to come home and do more work instead of doing what I've done all week- which would be to go home to someone else's house and relax until bedtime. I guess the responsibilities of a student are officially upon me. I have homework and lesson plans and other things to write and read. And so it goes.
Get a load of this excitement: I have another freaking cold. I don't know if I should blame this one on the kindergarteners or on all of my friends in SB who were a little ill last week when I visited. Either way, I have been officially sick for most of 2006, with a few weeks off here and there. It's getting annoying but I decided that I'll be healthy again tomorrow. Mind over matter. Or something. (I'm not really convinced, so I don't think it's going to work as effectively as it might. Dang.)
Despite the germs, I love kindergarten. I'm actually star of the week this week and tomorrow I get to share my poster, collection, and mom with the class. I'm really excited to see the book they made for me because I know it's going to be ridiculously cute. Those little monkeys love me. I love them too.
I'm going camping this weekend with the Cowboy, his dad, and several manly men that I don't know. Abalone season is opening on Saturday and these crazy fools are going to go dive for them in the ocean. (I am going to watch.) It should be a fun adventure, though we're probably going to be drenched in rainy weather the whole time. I am really excited to eat abalone -the Cowboy and dad are quite the chefs- because aside from escargot that I tried in French class in high school and the occassional calamari, I really haven't eaten many mollusks. I look forward to the experience and I'll let you know how it goes.
Happy Weekends to you too.