Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.15.2006 * 2:12 p.m.
This week the kindergarteners really made every day a great day. I'm not sure why. There were mishaps, misbehaviors and tears, but those are always beautifully balanced by smiles and hugs. Next week is spring break for this district so I get to sleep in some and have more time to do homework and lesson planning. That will be nice.
I few evenings ago after class one of my classmates got a flat tire in the parking lot. Who do you think helped her change it? That's right, me. I knew what to do and how to do it. Thankfully, we also had a man with us to tighten the nuts, since we are both skinny little girls. But heck yes I can change a flat! I told the Cowboy and he was proud of me, as all of you should be too.
Though I am not a girly-girl and don't spend much time on my hair, skin, or makeup, I went to a spa party thing last night and caved. The woman sold me on two skincare products. I can't believe I actually purchased eye cream! What is that about?! My justification is that I have really nice skin, and the word on the street is that if one takes care of one's nice skin while still young, one will continue to have nice skin as one ages. Okay. I'll give it a try. Not that I'm opposed to showing the signs of aging. People get old, wrinkles happen. Get over it.
That's pretty much my news for right now. I have a lot of homework. I don't want to let the stresses of school catch up with me and turn me into a crabby brat, so I'm going to get on that ridiculous science assignment now.
Have a beautiful weekend and a Happy Easter!