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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.17.2006 * 10:20 a.m.
he heard me call him when his phone was off.
I decided to update my info on the facebook this morning. Seeing as how I've been dating The Cowboy for over two months now, I figured it was time I changed the little statement about my relationship status. See, it said I was in a relationship with The Spaniard, and while I do still maybe love him, and he is my friend, we have officially not been in a relationship for... hmm... ten months now. I'm thinking it's a little unfair and plain out wrong to leave that statement unchanged. So I clicked the little link that says "cancel this relationship" and laughed at what happened next. Just like a good friend double checking my sanity, a script pops up and asks, "Are you sure you want to break up with [insert name here]?" Aw facebook, you're too kind.
I found it all to be a bit hilarious.
Yesterday was wonderful. The Easter Bunny (who, strangely enough, looks exactly like my mother) gave me jelly beans, chocolate eggs and a new bottle of perfume. Church was nice because for the first time in weeks I managed to sing without having a coughing fit. I had some quiet time which gave me the opportunity to reflect on the resurrection of Christ and what that means to me. I also gained a bit of knowledge regarding the Pagan symbols of the holiday, which are really interesting. Good food was eaten with my family and shared with a friend. My old missionary, who I hadn't talked to for a long time, called to tell me that he is getting married next month... Lucky girl. And despite the cold and rainy weather, I made two visits to the cemetary. First I went alone, later an old friend came with me. Standing at the grave of a nineteen year old girl isn't as depressing on the day I celebrate the resurrection.