Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.19.2006 * 10:31 a.m.
Reese's peanutbutter egg for breakfast.
I'm enjoying this Spring Break in the morning deal. Sleeping in past 6am means I can listen to music while I'm taking a shower, and that is enough to make a Sarah happy. Today I listened to a mixed cd that was given to me for my twentieth birthday. It has the wide range of Cake, Dave Matthews Band, Jack Black, John Mayer, and Fiona Apple. There really is nothing quite like shaving my legs while listening to Adam Sandler sing the "Somebody Kill Me" song from The Wedding Singer. It's thrilling.
The sun is shining, birds are singing, the weather is beautiful after months of nothing but rain, and I'm stuck inside again. I'll do my best to spend a portion of the day in the full spectrum light of the springtime outdoors, but I have so much school work that confines me to my computer. Yes, yes, I have a laptop, but with the sun so darn bright and sun-shiney, I can't see the computer screen when I'm outside. A whole fat lot of good that does me. So I'll sit in this uncomfortable folding chair and type up some lesson plans and other nonsense until I get to a point where I have nothing but reading left to do. Then, assuming it's not time for me to head off to class, I will strip down to a tanktop and sit in the backyard with my goofy dog and a textbook. (My boyfriend is jealous of my dog's opportunities to see me in a wifebeater, since he doesn't get such exciting privileges. Being a good Mormon girl is a crack-up sometimes.)
I really like this Cowboy.