Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.25.2006 * 3:01 p.m.
This place.
I love this place, this inbetween crookedness where I am presently living. I love the uncertainty that creeps into the predictablity of each methodically-planned day. There is fresh, cool air in my lungs at night and there are green hills for my eyes to feast upon in the day. When the sun shines, the freckles on my warm skin deepen and people notice. When the rain falls, the coldness in my toes is the perfect excuse to wear warm slippers.
Despite the unknown, I love this place. I love the house, a few minutes away, where I feel as comfortable as I have ever felt. The atmosphere of that home is a sharp contrast to the sights and sounds of my residence. On the outside, they look to be the ones lacking. Appearances are deceiving. However, the shouting, tears and discomfort that breed within the walls of this house where I am sleeping do not discourage me. I love this home. I love this place where I am growing, learning, and moving forward.
04.24.2006 * 5:16 p.m.
one hot bloody nose.
It's Monday.
Something about Mondays always leaves me tired. Thankfully, my second class of the day was canceled and my first class finished early, so I got to leave campus at 3:30pm. That's four hours earlier than a normal Monday. That's cause for a celebration.
I am, however, not celebrating.
Instead, I am doing homework and desperately thinking about staying awake. My comfortable bed is just an arm's length to my left and I desperately want to crawl into it, but I'm fighting the urge.
My weekend was laid-back and wonderful. I relaxed most of the time away with my newest favorite boy. And though I'm pretty sure he doesn't have numchuck skills, he has done some bow-hunting.
I need to go to the store and buy lima beans, and pinto beans, and sunflower seeds. Three cheers for kindergarten science lessons!