Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
05.12.2006 * 5:30 p.m.
Despite the fact that babies are helpless, diaper-wearing, poop-factories, they have a pleasant aroma. The baby smell is undeniable. It's a clean sweetness that is particular to babies and found no where else in the universe. What an amazing phenomenon. I like it.
In case you couldn't tell, I spent time with Mama Amanda and Baby Brother this afternoon. He is three weeks old, huge, and adorable. I used to be afraid to hold babies until Amanda starting making them. They don't scare me so much anymore. In fact, I actually asked to hold him. Holding a tiny little person is an awesome experience that I highly recommend to all adults. Babies, with their little sighs, curious eyes, and miniature hands, make me reflect on the miracle of life. I kind of want one.
(Did I actually just write that?!?! Someone grab ahold of me and shake me. Please. I think.)
Let's change subjects, quickly.
The Cowboy is not in town this evening so I am going to have a night out with my lovely lady, Rachael. Girl friends are fantastic.
Speaking of amazing women... Happy Mother's Day on Sunday, you beautiful women out there!