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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
05.17.2006 * 12:54 p.m.
Today an Indian woman asked me if I was Muslim. Based on my appearance, she didn't expect that I was (I'm not by that way) but apparently there are people with my name from Pakistan. Excellent. I've only ever heard our name as being Irish and English so I am terrifically excited to do a little research into the history of any connection.
In other news, my old boyfriend/long time best friend has a cousin who is in third grade at the school where I teach. (Did you follow that?) I saw said third grade cousin today and he told me what he had most recently heard about my old long time best friend. Then this third grader said "When he comes back from his mission are you going to come to Christmas and stuff again?" I asked him why and wondered if he missed me. He said, "Yes." That brightened my day. I really don't think I can put into words how very much that brightened my day. It's good to know that my old boyfriend/long time best friend's little cousin misses having me around at family holidays.
Truth be told, I miss being around their family during the holidays. I love those people and they were an important part of my life for a long time.
I told my third grade buddy that I'll be around more after his cousin comes home from his mission, but that it will be different because I used to be his girlfriend and now I'm his friend. I don't know if the third grade cousin really understood how that made any difference.
Then I thought of whose girlfriend I am now. It feels good to know that he thinks about me as much as I think about him. He's out of town this week for work and he misses me. Awww. I'm on a high. This is a wonderful thing we've got going.
My lovely E called me during her lunch break just now. We had a turkey sandwich connection. I love her to pieces.
05.15.2006 * 9:56 p.m.
I need more sandals.
Last night I watched the light in the sky fade. The clouds picked up the colors beautifully, moving from brilliant pink to a warm orange. Looking at those vibrant hues, I couldn't help but see the divinity in nature, which made me extremely thankful for this planet and this amazing life. Skirted and shoeless is an enjoyable way to be.
I stood in my bare feet on the sidewalk in order to get a better view of the sunset. The heat of the day still lingered in the air, making me grateful for the quiet breeze that ruffled my skirt. I love this time of year. After church I can kick off my dress shoes and spend all of Sunday skirted and shoeless.