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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
05.26.2006 * 2:16 p.m.
It's good to be loved.
Twenty hugs as they left for the day. That was the highlight.
Today started like any kindergarten morning, except that a few girls came up with cards they had made for me, complete with phonetic spelling and crayon-drawn pictures. Mrs. A gave me a school sweatshirt with the students' handprints traced on the back, which I put on immediately. I also got a book made by the class. My favorite page says, "When you have your own classroom you should give candy out all day."
That is exactly why I like children.
I'm feeling an elation that can only be described by smiling to the point of sore cheeks and happy tears.
The days from January to now have blurred by so quickly that I am left with a dizzy mess of memories. Moments blend into a continuous chain of beautiful fabric that has made my life full and wonderful.
The year started hard, with tears and worry and doubt, but time moved forward relentlessly (as it usually does) and things got better. I went to school, I laughed and learned. Friendships were cultivated. A room full of children became my second home and I became the one to help zip sweatshirts, apply band-aids, and dry tears. I also grew accustomed to being called by my last name. I hiked and camped and climbed. I unexpectedly fell in love - No one ever expects to fall in love. I (thankfully) have been loved in return.
I can't believe how great I feel right now, in this moment.
I am ridiculously happy even though I just sat on the phone for at least five minutes pressing redial and repeatedly getting the busy signal from a local radio station in an effort to win Madonna tickets.
It works out for the best though, because if I had won the tickets I would have peed in my pants...
...and I've already started my load of laundry.