Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.26.2006 * 5:15 p.m.
Charlie is afraid of house guests.
I went to a wedding this weekend.
Correction, I went to the wedding reception of two people who were married in the temple for all time and eternity.
There was food, dancing, sparkling cider, rice to be thrown (poor little birdies), and good times to be had. And there were oh-so many beloved people that I have not had the pleasure of seeing in entirely too long, which made the experience even more enjoyable.
I love the newly weds. I love them to pieces. They are beautiful individuals who demonstrate such kindness and spiritual strength that I am always amazed. I could not have imagined a better pair.
Naturally, there were moments when I needed to fight back tears. Happy, joyful tears. Longing, wishing tears. The kinds of tears that women sometimes shed at weddings when emotions are high and love is permeating the skin. One of those moments occurred when the couple cut the cake. The other was the daddy-daughter dance.
(When did I become that girl?)
My SBers left the day after the wedding, except Tanya and Jay, who I get to keep for one more night. That makes me extremely happy. The three of us get along well and I love them bunches. There is never a dull moment when my favorite people are around.
I have plenty of homework to be doing right now and only six more weeks of this summer quarter to deal with. I should get going.
06.23.2006 * 8:14 a.m.
All of my internet weather resources inform me that the high temperature today in L-town is going to be 103 degrees. I know I am excited.
My plans for the day include cleaning so my guests this weekend don't die of allergies due to cat hair or of shock due to filth. Then I plan on sitting still for as long as possible in hopes of avoiding feeling the wrath of the heat. Thank goodness we have a pool in the back yard...