Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
07.01.2006 * 1:35 p.m.
Working and Schooling.
I feel insanely busy yet I can't remember doing anything particularly time consuming this week. Life is good though, busy is good. Too much free time always results in excessive thinking and goodness knows we don't want that!
I am excited.
Tonight I am going to see Shakespeare in the park! For free! The San Francisco Shakespeare Festival is performing The Tempest, and I am looking forward to being there. I don't think I've ever seen a Shakespeare play before, how silly is that? The best part about the whole experience is that I'm taking The Cowboy.
He is the one who exposes me to outdoor adventures and physical endeavors that help me get in touch with my natural, rougher, play-outside side. I am going to return the favor. I have decided to expose my hunting, climbing, backpacking, outdoorsman, carpenter boyfriend to a more refined side of human nature. That's right. I'm going to show this man a little bit of culture and see what he thinks. He's looking forward to the play tonight. He even thinks he would have fun with me at a museum (there is a Monet exhibit that I want to see with my family). This should be fun, because even if he doesn't enjoy himself he is making an effort to support me in some of the things I like doing. It's all about compromise and being a team.
Heck yes.
Shakespeare on Saturday, hiking on Monday. Sounds pretty good to me.
Happy Fourth of July weekend everyone.