Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
07.02.2006 * 6:46 p.m.
Sundays. Sundaze.
Going to church from 1 to 4pm means several things:
First, it gaurantees that I will be hungry and tummy-grumbly during church regardless of how much breakfast, brunch or lunch I consumed beforehand. I can't really explain it, but those are my munchy hours of the day. I am accustomed to consuming food and drink in the early afternoons during the week, so my stomach requests the same treatment on Sundays. Sadly, it's desires usually are not granted.
Second, it gives me hours of time in the morning that usually go to waste. If I can manage it, I sleep in on Sundays and get out of bed with just enough time to shower, dress, beautify and shove food in my face before hitting the road. Those are the most pathetic of Sundays.
Then there are Sundays like today. I got up at my usual early morning time, took care of several tasks in a responsible manner and then found myself with a whole lot of free time. DANGER! DANGER! While in the bathroom assessing my appearance in the mirror, I decided to trim off some of the split-ends I have recently noticed on my hair. Scissors in hand, I got to thinking about the bangs I gave myself more than a year ago and how cute I looked, so I cut some. They're okay looking, but my hair acquired a bit of wave over the past couple years that makes me look silly. I'm pretty sure I'd be happier about the whole situation if the rest of my hair was really long again. This medium-length shaggy look is starting to annoy me.
At least I've got a cool purple balloon floating above my head. Free plays and balloons are always a good thing.