Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
08.11.2006 * 6:54 p.m.
it's true.
Tonight: Dinner with the family and friends.
Tomorrow: Work. Then heading down to GOLETA!
I'm excited to see friends, go to my "home" ward, and possibly even jump in the ocean. I'm also excited to visit the lovely homestead of my Tanya. Good times will be had, that much is for certain.
I'll be back home sometime Tuesday only to leave for southern California once again on Thursday.
I'm a traveling fool.
08.10.2006 * 11:15 a.m.
Strange yet wonderful.
I was all over the place yesterday and it was fantastic.
In the morning I drove to Vacaville. There, I picked up one lovely Brittney and we continued on our way. The drive to Sacramento (Rancho Cordova, if you want me to be specific) went smoothly except for one small incident regarding a spider and some cleavage. We met up with her grandparents at the temple and took a tour. It was lovely, and though I expected to be impressed by the temple itself, I was not expecting to be impressed by the port-o-potties, if you can even call them that. They were essentially RVs containing nothing but bathrooms. Nicely finished and decorated bathrooms, mind you, but bathrooms on wheels. Stepping into those restrooms was like stepping into the "ladies' powdering room" of a fancy-schmancy restaurant. It was magnificent. It was strange. Strange but wonderful.
After that adventure I drove back through Vacaville and back down to L-more. I was home for about twenty minutes before I left again to head to San Francisco. Thankfully, my man drove on this evening adventure because I was tired of being behind the wheel. We met up with his aunt and cousins and wandered around (which made me think of Tanya and Jay), then had dinner on Pier 39 (which made me think of Daina and Jory). It was delightful. They're a fun bunch of people and the street performers on The Embarcadero are always enjoyable, but by the end of the night I was so glad to be out of a car and in a bed. Seriously.
Tonight I'm driving into the city again for dinner.
When did I get a social life? How can I afford to pay for gas?
(Stay Tuned! These mysteries and more will be uncovered in our next episode...)