Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
10.08.2006 * 8:44 a.m.
Beautiful Sunday morning.
Autumn is here, I can smell it in the cool air. I live for the cold morning freshness and warm sunlight that comes with this season. The night's darkness creeps over the landscape early, making the daylight more treasured than ever. The leaves don't turn into gold and rubies here as they did when I was a child, but there is a rush of color in nature around me and it is beautiful. The rain begins to fall, first in gentle sprinkles, then with violent force, making the streets smell of wetness and the grass sigh with relief. The wind blows harder this time of year, stirring up childrens' wild spirits and making my hair dance.
I love it. This is my season.
I took my RICA exam yesterday and walked out of there in 3.5 hours without looking back. Provided that I passed it, (I'm assuming that I did.) that was the LAST test that I have to take on this insane path of obtaining a teaching credential. Hopefully. There is talk of a sort of exit exam, a final test at the end of credential programs that one must pass in order to obtain a teaching credential in this bizarre state of California, but rumor has it that it is being instated for people beginning their schooling now, so I should be exempt. Freaking state. Desperately in need of good teachers? Make it disgustingly difficult to get a credential and then pay teachers crap. That sounds like a plan.
The first(ish) member of the next generation in my family entered the world a few days ago. My cousin's wife had their baby on the fifth and I am stoked. Harley David Junior (I kid you not) is a healthy, beautiful baby boy who I cannot wait to meet. Help me out here people, since he is my cousin's son, does that make him my first cousin once removed? Or is he a second cousin? Maybe I can just bribe him into calling me Auntie... I'd be okay with that.