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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
10.17.2006 * 4:09 p.m.
A simple joy
Today, while I was walking out to the playground with the third graders for p.e. one of the boys playfully made a comment about me barely being a teacher. I teased back by saying that I am closer to being a teacher than he is. Then one of the girls said, "I hope you fail so that you can stay in our classroom even longer."
I thought that was sweet.
I responded by saying, "I hope I pass and our principal hires me as a fourth grade teacher so I can have all of you in my class next year." The kids liked that idea because they all yelled "Yeah!" or "Awesome!"
I thought that was even sweeter.
10.14.2006 * 1:38 p.m.
Too many Z's.
This is getting ridiculous.
You all know I love my sleep. I go to bed when I'm tired and sometimes that means going to bed early. Here's the special part: it has gotten worse.
I spend all of my time with a carpenter. Construction workers start their days early, as a result, he goes to bed early. Since we're together in the evenings, I usually go to bed when he does, which means I haven't stayed up past 10pm in a while.
The early bedtime has been so regular lately that I start getting tired at 8 o'clock. EIGHT freaking O'CLOCK! It's silly.
Last night I went out to dinner with my family and some friends. It was good, I had a lot of fun, but I came home and felt so tired. I decided to watch the Little Mermaid (on dvd, yay!) from the comfort of my bed, but only made it to "Under the Sea" before I decided to turn off the movie and go to sleep. It was 9:30pm. Yeah, I had to get up to work this morning, but still. That was a pretty rockin' Friday night, don't you think?
My life is so exciting.