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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
10.21.2006 * 6:08 p.m.
Art Walked.
The third graders are reading a fictional book about Christopher Columbus' journey to the Americas. Yesterday I read ahead in the book so that I know what to teach the kids as we read it together on Monday.
Last night I dreamt about being an explorer in a foreign land and meeting the natives.
I also dreamt a whole lot about teaching.
Maybe I am stressed out after all.
10.20.2006 * 9:38 p.m.
Pumpkin patches are awesome.
Monday marks the beginning of my two weeks of solo teaching with the third graders. I'm sure it will go fine. I'm following my master teacher's schedule and routine, we've planned lessons and activities together, and I've got almost everything that I need. I'm not stressing. Not yet.
I have assignments for my university classes to research, type up, and teach. They aren't difficult, they just take up large amounts of my precious time. But I'm not stressing out. Not quite yet.
Several fun and exciting social opportunities have presented themselves for this weekend. Since I love my friends, I know I'll spend some time doing those fun things which will leave less time to do all of my school things. But I'm not allowed to stress out about that because it is self induced.
Did I mention that I am taking over a third grade classroom of twenty children for two straight weeks starting Monday?
I'm really not stressing out. Not yet. But when I think of everything I have to do over the few weeks I get very tired.