Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
12.08.2006 * 1:31 p.m.
something is burning in my chest.
You know how teenagers write song lyrics on Diaryland and think it's really cool? I'm tempted to do that just now. It's not because I have the urge to post poignant lyrics (though there are plenty, because I'm a music enthusiast), but rather because The Phantom of the Opera came up on my playlist and it is impossible for me to hear this music without singing along.
Moving on...
Now that I've finished putting together my porfolio (YAY!) and have approximately one hour before my next planned activity, my mind is racing and exploding and wondering. I found my faith because of love, yet love challenges my faith more than any other element in the universe. It's a beautifully complex mystery.
Oh my gosh. I'm going to go meet his dog...
(This is my 992nd entry. We are going to celebrate my 1,000th with some sort of party. Seriously.)
12.06.2006 * 6:31 p.m.
An update:
1) Yes, I'm still single. No, I don't know if it's the right thing. Yes, I have talked about this with everyone who will hold still long enough to listen to me. No, I don't know what I'm doing. Yes, I am going to sort through everyone's advice, weigh out all the positives and negatives, and use my brain to decide what is best for me. No, I don't want to talk about it anymore because I have decided it is time to figure out what I want, on my own, without pleading for someone to tell me what to do. Yes, I am extremely grateful for all of your support and suggestions.
2) I was the substitute in the 3rd grade class today. It went really well, as I had expected, and I enjoyed teaching. Seeing those kids again was delightful, though my throat is now a little sore because I spent the whole day talking a little louder than usual. Dang kids.
3) I haven't shaved my legs in eight days, maybe more. I'm not really sure why, except that I'm feeling kind of lazy and the weather hasn't really provided me with any reason to show off my legs, so what does it matter? Extremely sexy, I know.
4) My dad just came home and immediately began ranting about money, his life, and his job. As far back as I can remember, my dad has complained about, well, everything. I think it is his favorite thing to do, though I can't figure out why. He's a spaz. The worst part is that I take after him and tend to exhibit his worst traits. I hope I'm not a pessimistic, wah-wah, can't-take-care-of-myself whiner when I grow up. Seriously.
5) I've been sitting at my computer for too long today, typing up artifacts and the like for my teaching portfolio. It got old really fast, but I still have approximately two days left of this. My neck and shoulders are sore.
6) I absolutely adore my friends.