Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
02.05.2007 * 9:53 a.m.
So who's next?
Lots of people I know are getting engaged and married. It's wild how it seems to be happening like a flash flood, but I guess I'm at that age when people get married. Good thing I have a roll of wedding wrapping paper in my closet.
The strangest of all the weddings will happen in a month. My first love is getting married. He and I have been through so much, we are now good friends, and I truly am happy for him. His fiance is adorable, they seem like an excellent match, and they make each other happy. I got their wedding announcement in the mail and was excited, but I also felt a little... weird. When you spend a couple of years planning on marrying someone, receiving their wedding announcement is just a tiny bit awkward. I'm glad we broke up when and how we did, and I am very content with my life the way it is right now, but I remember looking at rings and dresses online and planning things out in my mind. I remember words that we said to each other. Life is wonderfully odd.
02.03.2007 * 4:42 p.m.
pets and money.
New things in my life this week:
*A job.
*Three baby hissing cockroaches. (My one cockroach is about six years old and I don't know how much longer she will live, so I am happy that I can now continue with a new generation.)
*A tarantula. (My friend has had it for years, but his lady-love says he can't keep a spider for a pet anymore. He's in love so he's making sacrifices and as a result I got a new critter. Yay!)
*Four new tires on my car.
I think that's all. I'd say it has been a pretty good week.