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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
02.08.2007 * 6:02 p.m.
(My dad is a die-hard Clint Eastwood fan, so I've seen all of his movies too.)
The Good:
I'm getting more into my church stuff and that familiar routine is refreshing me. The simple things are helping me be happy and keep on-track. I still have miles of catching up to do, but my train is actually moving in the right direction again, so I'm excited.
It has rained a bunch today, so the ground is wet with happy puddles and the sky is thick with clouds. Plus, the air has that heavy smell of moisture that makes my nose smile. I love the rain and I hope it keeps up so that the hills turn lush green again.
The other 3rd grade teachers at my school seem extremely kind and helpful. Thank goodness, because I am going to be stealing their work and activities over these next couple of months.
The Bad:
I have no money. Okay, so that isn't entirely true, but I don't like dipping into my savings the way I've had to recently. Granted, I will begin earning good money again soon, but it is going to cost me to get things started and that's annoying. Teachers aren't paid enough and we always end up spending our own money on supplies. We love those dang kids too much, don't we?
My classroom isn't a classroom, it's more of an office room. I have a desk and computer, the students will have desks, and there are several tables around, which I am sure will come in handy. Several boxes of supplies and textbooks were delivered today, so that is exciting, but I have no shelves on which to put them. I have no storage space, no cabinets, no countertops. I'm sure I can use my magic over this next week to turn it into a wonderful place of learning, but it's going to take a lot of work. I'm already scared and nervous about teaching the munchkins, so this is an added stress that I wasn't really expecting.
I feel like curling into a little ball and moaning. I don't really want to cry, just whimper and feel sorry for myself for a little bit. I'm not sure why. I guess I'm just afraid of everything that is coming up and all of the new responsibilities I will have.
The Ugly:
Spidey, the tarantula, ate a cricket today. I think that is extremely cool. I only put it in "The Ugly" section because I came home to find a cricket head sticking out of my spider's mouth. I figure most people wouldn't consider that to be too attractive.