Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
03.05.2007 * 5:35 p.m.
I feel like a mother duck.
Every day I walk out to the playground area and fetch my class in the morning, after recess, and after lunch. I lead the way across campus and my wobbly line of little ones follows. As we make our way back to our classroom I peer over my shoulder to see that everyone is walking nicely and behaving responsibly. Often times they are not. My little ducklings are cute, but they know how to be stinkers. They are children afterall, so being little boogers is in their job descriptions. I just wish they didn't try to cheat on school assignments, that drives me bonkers. We take a spelling pre-test at the beginning of each week. How a student does on the pre-test determines whether he gets the regular spelling list for the week or the challenge list. For some reason these monkeys actually want the challenge list, so they put stars next to words they misspelled on the pre-test and show me that they only missed two words, so can they please please have the challenge list. What? Do you think I honestly can't tell that you turned that "o" into an "a" after the fact? What? Can't you see that this word on your paper is in fact not spelled the same as the word I wrote on the board? Seriously, ducklings. Are you lost in a haze or do you think I was born yesterday? I know I'm young, but I'm not that young.
I get a new student tomorrow. Someone new comes to my class every week. I hope this doesn't continue for too much longer, I'll run out of room before the end of the month. The kids are excited though because the new kid is a boy. That will raise the male count to 5 out of 17. Poor boys, this room is full of girls. Or maybe they would consider that a good thing. I don't know, I think 3rd grade might be a little too young for the boys to really appreciate their odds.