Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.24.2007 * 6:18 p.m.
STAR tests from the other side.
We have a lovely staff room. Okay, so it's not exactly lovely, but it's large and it has big tables with plenty of room for lots of folks. Sometimes I'm the only person who goes in there to eat lunch. I don't get it. We spend all day in our classrooms, most of that time is spent with people who are under ten years old. I don't want to be in there alone during lunch. I need the break from working and I want some adult company, so I go to the staff room. Wonder of all wonders, half the time I end up eating alone anyway. Bah. At least today I enjoyed the sunshine in my solitude.
04.21.2007 * 2:24 p.m.
Love love love...
I am amazing.
Not only did I take my boyfriend's dog to work with me today, (I work at a vet's office on weekends.) I hooked him up with discount veterinary services, and gave him a bath. Now he is so fresh and so clean, and his ear infection is finally getting treated. I love love love my animals.
I AM (probably) GETTING A KITTEN! (I just need to clear it with my mom, but seriously, how could she say no?) My friend/co-worker has been bottle-feeding him and is getting ready to find a good home for the little guy. I have a good home for him riiiight here, so in about two weeks I shall be the proud mama of another feline! Hoorah! I love love love kitties!
Now please excuse me, I have school work to grade. Gah.
04.19.2007 * 9:47 p.m.
progress reports
It's amazing how little time I have had this week. Who would have thought that work would be so much work?
I need to go to sleep.