Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.11.2007 * 4:35 p.m.
Long hours in the car to lovely places.
My life is simple, my life is silly, but my life is sweet.
Now if only I could find a long, flowy summer dress with cute short sleeves, then things would be even better.
(Thanks to all of you for loving me.)
06.07.2007 * 1:37 p.m.
I do love him, don't get me wrong.
In about an hour I am going to get into my car and drive away, and I am wonderfully excited!
When I get to my destination tonight I will get a huggy welcome and enjoy the company of one of my very best friends. Who knows what we'll do tomorrow, but since she has become the queen social butterfly in those parts, I know we'll have loads of fun. Saturday we will head for our once-home college town and participate in silly baby shower girliness. It will be delightful.
To abruptly change the subject:
My boyfriend went out with a long-time girl friend of his last night. Apparently, during dinner they discussed how it is important to her that she is invited to my bridal shower, since it wouldn't be appropriate for her to be at his bachelor's party. EXCUSE ME?!?! I didn't know I was having a bridal shower. See, usually, one has to be engaged to do that sort of thing, and since I am very clearly not engaged I have no bridal shower in my plans. He won't freaking ask me to marry him, but he'll discuss wedding related activities with his friends as if they are happening tomorrow.
I think I am going to slap him.
Have a wonderful weekend, my friends.