Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.07.2008 * 6:11 a.m.
Ohio was good. Spending time with my family is always nice, and my uncles are wonderful men. The funeral services were good, I especially liked the viewing where I got to meet all sorts of old people who are related to or worked with my grandpa. Most of them knew that I just got married, so they were giving me condolences and congratulating me all in one sentence. That was a little bit odd, but a little bit wonderful too. I am extremely lucky. My grandpa only traveled by airplane twice in his 85 years. Once was to surprise me at my college graduation three years ago, the second was to attend my wedding. Yes, I am spoiled. Yes, I am loved.
Barry loves me too and felt the need to make sure that I felt loved. He decided to call several of my friends to let them know of Grandpa's death and suggest that they call me and send me their love. That was nice, though it feels a little bit rigged. Oh well, I completely understand his motives and think it's pretty sweet.
General Conference yesterday ROCKED! I'm excited to see where the leadership of the church takes us in the years to come.
Okay, time to eat breakfast and hit the road. Who knows what I'll find when I get to class this morning.