Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.24.2008 * 7:21 p.m.
Yay for STAR Testing! It's making my kids wild and crazy. It's making me wild and crazy, and itchy and sneezy!
No, wait... maybe that's my allergies.
I don't have much exciting news, just waiting for big things to happen.
04.19.2008 * 11:49 a.m.
I did traffic school online all morning.
I decided to let my Gold Membership expire, hence the absence of my photo in the space above my entries. Even though $35 a year is a really good deal, I decided I couldn't do it right now. I've had a bunch of bills to pay and with the cost of buying a home and the upcoming mortgage payments looming ahead of me, I thought maybe I should hold onto those $35 for just a little while longer. I am sad though. I already miss checking my stats, and like a complete fool I didn't download and back up my entries before the Gold expired. Who knows the last time I downloaded those babies?
Oh Sweet, Beautiful Diaryland... I may pay for Gold again one day, provided I can actually afford internet at my new home.
That's right, your eyes have not deceived you... OUR LOAN HAS BEEN APPROVED! Now we simply wait for escrow paperwork to be completed and pray that it all gets completed on time. If all goes as it should, come May 8th Barry and I will be home owners. We'll actually have our own house! In this town! I'll be able to live with my kitties again! (Priorities, people.) No roommates! No parents! Just my husband, our animals, and me.
Hip hip hooray!
You can anticipate some house warming parties come summer. Gifts will be welcomed.