Check Up On All The Old Entries You Missed!!!
06.09.2006 - Half-way through the program!!!
06.07.2006 - Why I am going to be a teacher.
06.05.2006 - fog, sun, ocean, love.
06.02.2006 - "They didn't have you where I come from..."
06.01.2006 - to infinity and beyond.
05.30.2006 - Six weird/embarrassing things...
05.28.2006 - Snuggled.
05.26.2006 - It's good to be loved.
05.25.2006 - my cat is cuter than yours
05.23.2006 - It feels pretty sweet.
05.19.2006 - love with words.
05.17.2006 - bending.
05.15.2006 - I need more sandals.
05.12.2006 - coalmine
05.10.2006 - "So they may have a chance of finding a place where they're far more suited than here..."
05.07.2006 - pedestrians stare.
05.05.2006 - survived.
05.02.2006 - jump rope.
05.01.2006 - So Low? Ha!
04.27.2006 - My window open wide.
04.25.2006 - This place.
04.24.2006 - one hot bloody nose.
04.21.2006 - A baby boy!
04.19.2006 - Reese's peanutbutter egg for breakfast.
04.17.2006 - he heard me call him when his phone was off.
04.15.2006 - exfoliate.
04.12.2006 - what i do to myself.
04.10.2006 - a mixed state.
04.07.2006 - Time is flying.
04.04.2006 - under water.
04.03.2006 - cough syrup with codine.
03.30.2006 - 42 tomorrow.
03.28.2006 - welcome to spring quarter 2006.